Saturday, April 19, 2014

College of Engineering Accreditation

Congratulations to the PUP College of Engineering for passing the AACUP Level 3 Phase 1 Accreditation last March 4-6, 2014! Again we proved that we our one of the premier college in the university by being one of the two colleges brave enough to undergo an accreditation after 7 years. 

 Six programs under the college were recognized and was given a Level 3 Phase 1 accredited status by the AACUP valid from March 14, 2014 – March 15, 2015.  The Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering departments should be commended for their hard work in making this event a success.  Although we went through a lot of pressure and hard times we stand tall against all the odds.

As the Accreditation Coordinator of the College of Engineering I am thankful to all the faculty members and students of the college for without their help I will not be able to fulfil my tasks.  Likewise,  I thank Dean Guillermo O. Bernabe for giving me a hand and access to all the documents I needed.

Let us all stand and face the challenge of the coming Level 3 Phase 2 Accreditation by next year!